Home Business These 37 Business Articles Are Must-Reads for Any Entrepreneur

These 37 Business Articles Are Must-Reads for Any Entrepreneur


1. “50 Signs You Might Be an Entrepreneur”

Do you have a feeling you might be an entrepreneur at heart? In “50 Signs You Might Be an Entrepreneur,” published on Entrepreneur.com, John Rampton could point out the one—or many—things that makes you the perfect small business owner deep down inside.

Entrepreneurs and business owners have a certain kind of spirit and drive that keeps pushing them forward. Use this business article to find out if you possess the qualities of an entrepreneur yourself.

2. “The iEconomy”

If you’re a small business owner on the forefront of the tech industry, then the New York Times’ “The iEconomy” is one of the best compilations of business articles to read.

The articles in this Pulitzer Prize-winning series look closely at the constantly changing high-tech industry. As an entrepreneur in a tech-facing business, you might find that the iEconomy series has a unique outlook on how challenging it can be to keep up in the tech industry.

3. “‘Don’t Take It Personally’ Is Terrible Work Advice”

In this Harvard Business Review article, Duncan Coombe explains why small business owners and employees should take work personally.

This Harvard Business Review piece is one of the best business articles for entrepreneurs looking for advice on how to engage their employees, build a successful business, and take pride in their work.

4. “Why You Hate Work”

In the New York Times’ “Why You Hate Work,” Tony Schwartz and Christine Porath look into what the modern employee needs to be fulfilled while in the workplace.

If you’re wondering how you can make your employees happier at work, this is one of the best business articles to read. Schwartz and Porath dive deep into what motivates people—and what pushes them away.

Or if you’re one of those 9-to-5 employees who hates your job, this might be one of the best business articles to inspire you to take your career into your own hands.

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