Home Business The Case for Information Governance from within Your Organization

The Case for Information Governance from within Your Organization


Marketing and Information Governance

Information governance is key in this technologically dominated business world. Companies are investing in different aspects of business practices to acquire and maintain more customers, increase revenue, and reduce costs. These practices include marketing. Frequently business entities fail to think of information governance and its impact on the marketing world. If a company can grasp the concept of what information governance is and what a positive impact it can have on sales and marketing, they can utilize the systems developed to improve their sales pitch.

Information governance should include fundamentals regarding an online presence, an online customer experience, and social media direction. Marketing in today’s world has changed, and information governance is the first step in taking advantage of this burgeoning area. Most companies have a website and many have a social media focus. Ensuring the marketing is effective and serves the company goals is imperative, but a good information governance policy will also take into account security and compliance issues. You do not want to have a well-meaning yet overzealous marketer leave you susceptible to legal or access issues in the interest of expanding the business. If managing and sustaining growth are the goal, protecting that growth is just as important as implementing programs that build it.

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