Home Business For Small Business Week, IRS highlights key business tax topics

For Small Business Week, IRS highlights key business tax topics


WASHINGTON — In recognition of National Small Business Week, April 29 to May 5, the Internal Revenue Service is highlighting several resources to help small business owners and self-employed individuals understand and meet their tax obligations. The new tax law changes enacted in December 2017 make it especially important for these groups to know about new provisions affecting them.

During this week, the IRS will highlight various products including:

  • A series of news releases on various topics including the sharing economy, home office deduction, cybersecurity and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
  • Tax tips about business provisions under the new tax reform law. Topics will include tax law changes to depreciation rules and the employer credit for family and medical leave and how it benefits employers. Tax tips are written in plain language and can be subscribed to using the IRS’s Tax Tips email-subscription program.
  • Information for small businesses is also available through IRS social media channels including tax tips and other resources. Stay informed following the hashtag #IRSsmallbiz and help us spread these messages by sharing the @IRSnews, @IRSTaxPros and @IRSenEspanol tweets.

 Other small business resources

The IRS encourages business owners to check out other webinars on the IRS video portal. The portal has presentations on a variety of small business topics. Business owners may also be interested in these sites:

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