Home World World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day


Welcome to the official World Suicide Prevention Day 2019 website created by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). We invite you to browse our site to find WSPD banners, the World Suicide Prevention Day brochure in various languages, Light a Candle postcards, #WSPD facts and figures and resources. You can also learn about IASP’s Cycle Around the Globe event that is increasing in popularity every year. Read about the wide range of activities being carried on throughout the world.

Watch the message from IASP President Prof Murad Khan.

Please click here to sign up for updates on World Suicide Prevention Day 2019 and the International Association for Suicide Prevention.

For World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) and World Mental Health Day (WMHD), this year we have been interviewing some experts in the field of suicide prevention and research to hear about the work they do and its potential for the future.

We are excited to be sharing the “In Conversation with…” series from WSPD through to WMHD across our social media platforms, so please look out for them. #WSPD #WMHD

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