Home World World Digital Preservation Day

World Digital Preservation Day

About World Digital Preservation Day

World Digital Preservation Day is held on the first Thursday of every November. This year we will celebrate all things digital preservation on 5th November 2020!

With the theme ‘At-Risk Digital Materials’ the digital preservation community will come together to celebrate their work – the collections they have preserved, the access they have maintained and the understanding they have fostered by preserving digital materials.

Pervasive, changing and ubiquitous, digital technologies are a defining feature of our age. Digital materials are a core commodity for industry, commerce and government. They are fundamental for research, the law and medicine. The creative industries, cultural heritage and the media depend on reliable access to digital materials while families and friends extend and sustain their relationships through digital interactions. What better reasons to celebrate the opportunities created by digital preservation?!

The aim of World Digital Preservation Day is to create greater awareness of digital preservation that will translate into a wider understanding which permeates all aspects of society – business, policy making, personal good practice.

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