Home Health The Best Foods for Maintaining Good Gut Health

The Best Foods for Maintaining Good Gut Health


Most people think of exercise or clean eating when it comes to their health. Many forget to care for their gut. No, we’re not talking about sit-ups; we’re talking about the bacteria inside your digestive tract. Improving your health may be a matter of the good versus bad bacteria inside you.

1. Sauerkraut

People enjoy this fermented cabbage dish as a side or topping for hotdogs, brats, and sausages. The acids that create sauerkraut’s sour flavor are the same acids that help the probiotics to flourish. An outstanding source of vitamins, protein, and fiber, sauerkraut can help people with irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Bone broth

What do you get when you slow-cook bones and bone marrow in water for one to three days? You get a gut-loving broth of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. You can also buy it bottled and ready to drink. If you suspect leaky gut, bone broth can help heal it and allow for better nutrient absorption. Some people love bone broth so much they drink it straight!

3. Kimchi

This Korean dish is served at every meal traditionally. Made by fermenting vegetables, usually cabbage and radishes, kimchi can be used as a side or included in recipes. An excellent probiotic, this spicy food is one of the most versatile items on this list.

4. Onions

If you want to grow the good bacteria already living in your gut, you can eat more onions. This vegetable has excellent prebiotic qualities that balance the digestive system. They come in many varieties and go with just about any dish. If you don’t like the flavor, try Jerusalem artichokes and chicory, which have the same effects.
