If scientists at Harvard University are right, neither COVID-19 nor its associated lockdowns will pass soon: in a paper published yesterday they predicted that the disease will become a seasonal winter illness that could threaten a resurgence right through to 2024, and that social distancing will be necessary until 2022. If they’re right, COVID-19 will become something we need to live with, rather than hold our collective breathe throughout – and in some form, business will need to continue as usual.
There are already signs that this might be happening. Even in the depths of this lockdown, banks in London and New York are releasing new jobs. Hiring can only be put on hold for so long. Humans are innately adaptable and it will only be a matter of time before video interviewing and meeting new colleagues over Zoom seem inherently normal.
If you’re contemplating switching jobs, therefore, there is no reason not to put your head above the parapet. Some jobs may be easier to find than others: based on the roles released by leading banks in the past week, there are several trends emerging in terms of virus hiring.