Home Health HP emerges as Ayurveda hotspot, gets Americans as students

HP emerges as Ayurveda hotspot, gets Americans as students


A large number of professionals from various fields, including doctors, from the US have made Himachal a new hotspot to practice Ayurveda, the century-old ancient system of medicine in India, giving boost to the local tourism.

Several Ayurvedic doctors of Indian-origin in America are trying to motivate Americans to adopt Ayurveda and yoga to heal their body and Dr Naina Marballi is one of them. Born in Mumbai, Dr Naina had been running New York City’s oldest Ayurveda centre since 1998. From Hollywood celebrities to doctors and businessmen, a large number of Americans are pursuing Ayurveda with help of Naina.

She brings her students to Himachal for study programmes and her students further teach this ancient system of medicine to their students.Read More..