Home Health Community Health: Choosing a Research Topic

Community Health: Choosing a Research Topic

  • In medicine, there may be discrepancies about the best practices for reducing X condition in a certain type of patients. (E.g. pneumonia in patients with Y disease or health condition).
  • Obesity is a national problem, particularly among children of various ethnic/racial backgrounds. You may be interested in learning the best preventive interventions for a particular population to reduce the prevalence of obesity among children of that group.
  • A particular type of musculoskeletal injury may be common in athletes in X sport. You are interested in the most effective rehabilitation methods for that type of injury, or a comparison of two methods.
  • Are you interested in school social work? Examine the differing roles of a school social worker in rural and urban settings, or in primary vs. secondary schools.

2. If you have not been working in the health care field yet, perhaps there’s a disease or condition that interests you, through friends, family or personal experience. Or, is there a disease in your heredity and you are interested in the risk factors for that condition/disease and what primary prevention methods could be employed to reduce the risk of developing it? Or, you are interested in the best secondary or tertiary prevention for that condition?

3. Perhaps there is a particular health issue that interests you and that drew you to enter the profession for which you are studying.

4. There may be recent news articles about health issues that interest you, related to your hometown or in Florida. FloridaCharts from the Florida Dept. of Health provides an informative statistical picture of the health status of Floridians.

5. Browse the table of contents of the publication Nation’s Health, found in the FGCU Library’s eJournals for ideas.

6. Review topics covered in textbooks of other courses you are currently taking.

7. Is there a particular aspect or problem within health care management that interests you?

8. You can also combine interests: Is there a particular racial or ethnic group that you want to learn more about? What are some of the socio-economic challenges that they face in this country.

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