Home Technology Impacts of information technology (IT)

Impacts of information technology (IT)


History has witnessed that humanity went through several revolutions.  The latest one is the revolution of information and communication technology. This revolution caused a rupture between everything that is old; what is considered new today is quickly turned into an old and obsolete trend tomorrow. Because of these evolutions, the demand for this technology has increased. Therefore, the latter has become the most important used resource compared to classical resources, which has led to the amplification of interest in new information and communication technologies by both companies and individuals.

At present, the world is witnessing a rapid evolution process in the need for information facilities in terms of quantity, quality and access to information, in order to make the best decision based on the different changes and dynamics of the enterprises environment.  This demonstrates clearly the growing importance of information systems and their ability to satisfy the needs of enterprises information.  This emphasizes the importance to develop these systems and to increase their effectiveness and efficiency. One of the key elements of the success of these systems is that they have become dependent on sophisticated technology that have greatly facilitated access to information and clearly reduced access costs.

The telecommunications sector has undergone a decisive transformation in a short period thanks to the technological developments that underpin it. It has become the infrastructure of what is known today as the knowledge economy which depends on the information and its delivery methods in the shortest time and at the lowest costs possible. Due to the tremendous development witnessed by this sector and to the extent it has contributed in all sectors, especially in light of the use of satellite, mobile phone and the Internet, this has put the companies in front of a new challenge which is the acquisition of information and communication  technology

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